Thursday, October 11, 2007


First off, I would like to thank Issac and Nuo Geng for teaching my accounting II Thanks guys.. Secondly, I'm kinda done with my English assignment (80%).. Although there is a lot of problems.. I manage to face it all!! Left the reference list now =) Finally I can concentrate on other assignments now.. Accounting, Business Computing and Moral.. Short way to go yet a lot of things to finish up.. I guess next week onwards I'm gonna be a very very busy boy due to those pile assignments deadline coming soon.. I guess I'm gonna enjoy for one day tomorrow.. Taking one day off away from all assignments.. and I promise!! Myera!! I will throw everything I have on accounting II project in the four days holidays!! Don't worry!! Must not disappoint you guys.. especially I just got back some confidence for accounting II =D Well is pretty late now.. I'm off to bed now.. nitez everyone!!

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