Dear took me to her formal university, National Tsing Hua University in Hsing Chu (新竹) on Valentine's Day. Pretty cool university, really love the environment there, it is a great place for sight viewing as well. Below are some pictures of the university:

The Pillar at the Front gate

One of the human made lake




Some random new building
After walking around her university, we decided to have dinner at the food court there. Then we head to dear's "bro" house. He lent us a home for a night =) Thanks Ah Zhong!! I presented a gift to dear, is a video that I took some time to create =D and dear loves it so much!!! Don't cry so much la~~ Later panda eyes lor... Soon after that, we head for cinema!! And watch Red Cliff 2!!

In Cinema

So different right?

Red Cliff 2
The movie ended around 3am in the morning! Hehe.. Anyway is darn worth it to watch la... Love it so much, I wonder what will happen if I watch this alone =.=
As soon as the sun rised, we went to a beach near the city. One of my dream is to walk along the beach with my gf. It finally came true!!!

Beach side..


After that, we head to the Flower market! They sells flower as well as food!!!!! I just love to eat!!

Lake beside the flower market

Many people eh!

Stinky tou fu!!

My moustache
Next trip to Newan (内湾), we stopped by at a very famous railway station along the way.

Beautiful Sakura!



Ignore me!
Here! We finally reach Newan Old Street (内湾老街) !! Here goes!! Food food and food again!!! This place is filled with cultural stuffs!! Love it!!

Old Theather

Old mailbox

Old movies sold inside the theather


I love this so much!!! Lamb stick!!

At last I rode scooter back =P